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Triathlete Blog

Morning View

By October 6, 2008July 6th, 2015No Comments

Aloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo – HA!

We are in Kona.

Yesterday was – next to Ironman and getting married – the longest day of my life. After a 90 minute delay in Denver we were sure we would miss our connecting flight in San Francisco to Kona. The last and ONLY flight left to Kona or Honolulu we were told. By some miracle of lava gods, the flight to Kona was also delayed 90 minutes so running through the airport lugging a 20 pound laptop….I hit my lactate threshold for sure – well, we made it on the plane and made it to Kona.

A good night’s sleep, an early morning walk and we were at Lava Java enjoying the ocean view.

Now, everyone, close your eyes. Imagine blue water, a slight breeze sifting through the palm trees. A cloudless sky. Dozens of lean bodies around you. You are in Kona. You have arrived.

This just in: hottie spotting #1 – Chris Lieto. At the Lava Java which this year is sponsored by K Swiss.

We took a walk down to the pier. Everyone is swimming! The water looks calm and beautiful.

Other than that, I have decided that triathlon has an eating disorder. For crying out loud I feel like the fattest one here! It’s different than other years. Everyone looks disgustingly out of control lean. Ick. I am going to sit on Alii Drive and throw hamburgers at half the girls that run by.

I will provide updates as much as I can and post pictures when I take them. For now, I’m going back to my coffee and the ocean view.