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Triathlete Blog


By May 10, 2008June 10th, 2015No Comments

I am sick. Correction, I was sick. Ok I have been sick since last Friday. The tickle in my throat last Friday that I thought was just my body putting up allergy to island funk? Not so. Turns out it was a cold. And the next day when it was worse – more cold. And race morning when I felt “weird” and lost my voice after the race – not due to extreme effort – no, more likely due to extremely angry cold. That turned into full blown parade of snot by Tuesday and pounding headache by Thursday and now one big sinus infection.

Fun, eh?

I realized this when I went to bed with a headache, woke up with a headache and no amount of coffee would make it go away. And today I finally admitted I was infected and called Dr. Nuts. Who prescribed me a year’s worth of Amoxicillin to make it go away.

I think I have taken the first dose. Maybe. After we both marveled at the size of the pill as it sat on the counter, Chris and I were completely thrown off when the pill disappeared. I couldn’t remember if I took it, he thought maybe he even took it, or it just fell onto the floor and we looked to Boss. In any case, she he it who has diarrhea tonight is sure to have eaten the pill because that’s the first lovely side effect of the meds.

Crazy thing is – my legs feel great. I’m not sure what I did or did not do at the race last weekend but if you asked my legs they’d say we didn’t race. Not even sore. I have woken up more sore from a day of planting flowers in the backyard than I did on Monday. It was strange. Really strange. Maybe it was Dairy Queen for dinner. Maybe that should be part of every week’s routine.

Anyways, that’s where I’m at right now. Between death’s door and feeling like a million bucks. It’s not a bad place to be and all things considered I’d say I’m doing well.

I’ve got some pictures from St. Croix.

“Ain’t nobody here but us chickens….” Which they kindly let me know at 2:53 am race morning.

The famous Buccaneer resort; 4 miles of the run course wind through this resort. There’s also a nasty bugger of a hill in there.

Farmyard Animal Noises 101: Goats “bleat”, sheep “baa”. Llamas – I still don’t know.

This is what the island looks like every morning before the clouds roll in during the afternoon.

The awards ceremony where they called the top 10 pro women up. So I’m standing up there and then they called up 9th place – Fernanda K. Ravishingly beautiful and dressed to disco all night long. Also up there, Amanda L., Tara N., Cynthia W., Felicity H., Tyler S., Bree W., and Nina K. In the background, the chatty patty behind the mic at most IM events – Tom Ziebart.