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Triathlete Blog

The Waiting Game

By October 11, 2007June 8th, 2015No Comments

Today we play the waiting game. No workouts, no walking around, nothing really to do but relax and…..wait.

This morning, the Power Bar breakfast. This afternoon, the meet and greet. Chris’ parents are set to arrive around 4 pm.

We opted for air conditioning last night as the waves crashing are feet away from our condo and incredibly loud. Today I can hear them but at a much slower, calmer rate. We woke up early to stay in our routine. That’s been key all week – stay in the routine. No eating out. No booze. We’ve enjoyed fresh fruit from the open market (the best papayas ever and (Bob) we’ve got a pineapple waiting for today) and grilling fish.

Last night we went to Wal-Mart. An interesting mix of people. Not nearly as interesting at the Wal-Mart in Hot Springs, Arkansas but island Wal-Mart is interesting nonetheless. Hell of a lot of Spam. I took the time to put together all of my race thoughts while Chris changed the position of his number on his bike about a thousand times. Funny as I write this, he is changing it again (at 6:29 am).

Chris just walked back in with a cup of coffee too. Wow, I could really get use to this Hawaiian version of husband. He is terribly easy to convince of things out here and listens to every word I say (about the race only, though!). There is a calm in Chris that I know signifies the coming of a very big storm in his legs and arms – I’ve never seen him so ready to have his best day.

He just said the words Lava Java which sounded like sweet caffeinated music to my ears. Off for a cup of coffee overlooking the ocean.