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Triathlete Blog

Warm Wishes

By June 5, 2008June 10th, 2015No Comments

I’m sending you all warm thoughts and good luck wishes. To those of you racing at worlds in Vancouver, I hear it’s a little cold and wet up there. So I send you this photo of Boss my adorable little dog laying on a very warm and toasty heating pad. Hoping you feel nothing but warm toasty feelings in your legs for the whole race. And for those racing at Eagleman – this picture was taken when it was 81 degrees in my house and about 86 degrees outside. For some reason Boss thought laying on the 100 degree heating pad was a good idea. So, if my 9 pound chihuahua can handle something that hot – well then 94 degrees at Eagleman should be nothing to you. Or – that’s what I keep telling myself 🙂 GOOD LUCK to everyone!