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Triathlete Blog

Aloha Is In The Air

By October 20, 2006June 2nd, 2015No Comments

I’m sitting here at Lava Java, drinking coffee, watching the waves roll in, and getting ready for Ironman.

It’s almost here!

Yesterday was a very busy day. Jennifer, Jerome and I started with a short swim in the ocean – still choppy and still cloudy. I found some man to draft off of; he stopped at a buoy, turned around and looked at me and I said I am drafting off of you! He told me that was a good idea! And I agreed – it felt so much easier. So my mantra for tomorrow is to find some feet and just go with the flow!

After some coffee with Meredith and Bert, I headed off to registration. In namedropping news, Norman Stadler was there and he’s kind of hot! Registration was very meticuluos, they weigh you and you sit down with your own volunteer that takes you through everything in your race bag. And there was a lot of stuff – mostly bags for this and bags for that.

After lunch, Jennifer, Jerome and I drove the bike course out to Hawi. It is along the Queen K which is black, hot, windy, and lonesome. To your right on the way out is nothing but lava fields and grasses. To your left is a distant view of the ocean. I have to remember to look left, look left! We got out along the way to confirm that yes it was windy and yes it was quite hilly – long, gradual, deceptively steep over a long distance type of hills. This course is not flat! At Hawi, we stopped so Jennifer could stop and Jerome was so patient with the shopping – he must teach Chris how to do that!

On the way back, we drove through the Energy Lab. The pavement is so black in there. It will definitely be a tough run – relentlessly hot!

One thing is for sure – this course is a lot like Buffalo Springs – the hills, the scenery, the run course. So those of you thinking about Hawaii, do Buffalo Springs first to get a taste for it!

More namedropping – we saw Desiree Ficker riding out of town. Sitting at Lava Java yesterday I saw Natascha Badmann and her entourage riding up and down Alii Drive – she was smiling, waving, and as graceful as ever. Michellie Jones walked out of Lava Java, and I only knew it was her because the back of her shirt said her name. Imagine that kind of fame! Where you wear a shirt with YOUR name on it!

The island is definitely buzzing with an energy, something big is building and I think it is the restless bodies of nearly 2000 athletes ready to do an Ironman.

Today I am doing nothing. This is hard because I’m watching loads of athletes run and bike up and down the street. But I believe resting is probably most important today! It is so hot already and there’s no sense wearing yourself out, right?

I have to turn in my millions of bags in a few hours – nervewracking because ALL of my stuff needs to be ready to go and I won’t see it until the race. I have so much stuff on my bike and in my bags. Expect nothing ,prepare for everything!

I went to the race meeting with Bob Scott, Ironman world champion and record holder – what an honor! He told me to remember the reason I was here – for the race – so stay focused on the program.

I have gotten lots of great advice and good luck wishes from everyone. It is such an amazing atmosphere of positive energy and excitement.

I have also done some fun Ironman shopping, buying two more visors which I need like I need another purse (which I don’t need).

Chris is here, and so is Tim and Christina. Tim and Chris went to ride the course today – I’m eager to hear their thoughts.

Tomorrow is show time – I’m so excited to get out there and get it started. Thank you to everyone for all of your support and good luck wishes. I will need them!