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Triathlete Blog


By February 10, 2008June 9th, 2015No Comments

I know that it’s cold.

I know the weather in the midwest right now is bad. And it has been really bad for over a month. I know we’ve gotten over 40 inches of snow and this is one of the snowiest winters in history.

I know.

But I also know we all make choices in life. And our choice was to live in the midwest. We also chose to be athletes with BIG goals. So because of our choices we need to train through the winter. Yes, that is hard. Yes, there are days when it is negative 100000 outside and all signs will be pointing towards throwing the workout away for the day.

But while you do that, someone in sunny somewhere is training in shorts. They are doing quailty work in sunshine and 70 degrees. Think of it this way – who digs deeper for their workout? You or them? That’s your call but working out in sunny and 70 degrees isn’t work. That’s just plain fun and play.

Times like this are when you really need to stick to your training and stay committed to your plan. If you can, you will emerge stronger in both body and mind. You will arrive at a race with any conditions and think to yourself – as long as it’s not negative 100000 degrees I’m ready to win today.

You are not crazy for training through conditions like this. Crazy is the person that shows up at a race to compete with you who has long run in 5 degrees, ran pick ups on a snow covered road, did 3 hours in your basement on the trainer, ran on the treadmill for 6 weeks straight. Crazy is anyone that thinks they can compete with that. Because you chose to keep going when it got tough. To dig deep and just get ‘er done. You chose with tenacity and grit to keep working – no matter what – because you want so badly to reach your goals.

And if that doesn’t motivate you enough, I got this from a friend in Minnesota today:

Today, Sunday, February 10, 2008, at 10:00 AM CST, MG set the team record for coldest bike ride; riding in -10 F weather; -33 F wind chill. Independent verification was provided by me (TL) at my home’s front door. “I’m anticipating my water bottle to be frozen when I return home”, stated MG.

Set your own record today. Be safe and smart – but despite all conditions and odds go set a personal record of being out there and being your best. Expect it from yourself and see what happens.

It’s also like JV said to me the other day, just keep thinking “these conditions are perfect for me.” Not many people are brave enough to say that. Say it to yourself and for yourself. Make the right choice for yourself.