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Triathlete Blog

Monday Monday

By January 21, 2008June 9th, 2015No Comments

Monday morning, 6 am, nothing like the constant nagging of one tiny Italian woman to rouse two grown men out of bed to be on their bikes by 6:45. (note: but not before they both protested by eating cherry pie for breakfast)

Reluctantly at best the boys followed me with the plan – 2 hour hilly ride. We would search for the wizard one last time. But 10 minutes into our ride we realized the weather had other plans – rain. Steady annoying cold rain.

Isn’t this southern California?

The best wishful thinking couldn’t turn our ride into anything safe or fun. So we rode 1 hour easy along the coast and called it a day. Actually I called it coffee time – the best start to any day.

Now it is time to go home. The weekend was a success and we all trained safe. We enjoyed spending time with old friends and new friends.

Sherpa Thomas feels pretty good he says. Give it time. In two days he’ll be bathing his saddle sores in medicated cream and wishing for an entire week off.

Chris says he feels “ok” – not terrible.

Liz says she feels tired but was so ready to ride today. There was a look in her eyes of BRING IT one last time. But alas all good training weekends must come to an end and it is time to return to the ‘real world’. Ok, the COLD as heck Illinois tundra I call home.

Soon we will be back home, I will be back in the pool and the basement and with my dog. So long to San Diego and if you live in the area and find pieces of my legs along the road – please send them to my home.