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Triathlete Blog

Strong Like Bull

By March 16, 2009July 8th, 2015No Comments

Hey…what are you doing next February? That’s right, I said next February when you are sitting in the doldurms of winter, trapped in your basement and clipped in to your trainer.

Yet again.

Sound like fun? Of course not! That’s why you need a Plan B. An escape. A cycling-focused training camp that includes challenging climbs, beautiful landscapes, delicious food and camaraderie. A camp that is for athletes and hosted by athletes. A camp that will absolutely launch your 2010 cycling into high gear.

Yes, the big gear.

What am I getting at? YOU need to join us next year at STRONG LIKE BULL. No bull this camp is for athletes serious about escaping winter and kick starting their 2010 season. The camp places you in the heart of the Andalusian peninsula in Spain during February where mountains will challenge and strengthen you, the Spanish sun will warm you, the gourmet food will nourish you and the friendships you make will last a lifetime.

Not only that but it’s one of the best deals around with a cost that includes lodging (shared room), 3 meals a day, fully supported rides, access to a 25-meter pool, HOT TUB and a day trip to signature climb (Pico de Veleta) the longest climb in southern Europe. Escape to this to this camp for 9 days at the cost of $1125. Sign up with a $300 deposit by April 1st and get $200 off that fee.

Repeat: 9 days, lodging, meals, rides, hot tub…….in Spain for $925. Can you beat that?

Strong Like Bull has been going strong for the past 5 years under the direction of fellow pro and coach, John Hirsch. In 2010, Chris and I will join John and his co-director Sean for this camp. And honestly, we cannot wait!

It’s not too early to start planning next winter’s escape. Make a plan that you’ll never forget: STRONG LIKE BULL. For more information visit or email me at multisportmastery at comcast dot net.